Discovery Learning

On Thursday afternoons, the whole school participates in Discovery Learning. This is an opportunity for our tamariki to explore an area of interest, plan for their learning and reflect on what they have achieved.
Kaiako encourage student autonomy by providing guidance and support.
This learning time is very popular with the students and  encompasses a range of learning styles.

Ngā Tūmanako

It is important to us that our whānau and tamariki have a strong sense of belonging.
Our classrooms reflect Te Ao Māori - the Māori world. We teach specific, localised tikanga and te reo Māori - the Māori language.
Our school is currently working in Level 4(a) which means we teach in Māori between three and eight hours a week.
Our goal is to increase our te reo, tikanga Māori and cultural capabilities across our school and within our school community.
In 2023, we had five staff members who completed external study in te reo Māori. Tikanga and te reo Māori is now easily shared between staff, students and whānau.

Sporting Events

These are a highlight of school life. All students are encouraged to participate in a range of events that we hold throughout the year.
We are part of the Bream Bay zone for inter-school competition in swimming, athletics and cross country.

Garden to Table

This program was introduced in 2024.
Students are involved in the process of planting, growing and harvesting fruit and vegetables which are then used in the preparation and cooking of kai.
Each week students rotate between garden and kitchen.
We actively encourage students to share their new learning at home with their whānau.

Quick links - Kaiwaka School

100 days celebration 2023